-Unfortunately I thought speaking about species of birds would be more original but after checking out a few random blogs, turns out they were on everyone’s mind. So I thought about talking about dolphins, then “ironically” the next blog I opened talked about dolphins. So here I am with birds…
- side note
Birds are: they’re common, widespread, powerful, intimidating, and can fly. This is perhaps why so many other bloggers have chosen this specie to be able to speak with. I originally thought that birds could help carry your stuff or possibly carry a human by uniting, but why stop there. Birds with more aggressive natures such as eagles, falcon, and vultures and be utilized to take down foes, or to simply intimidate them. Forget a book at home; tell your fellow feathered friend to fetch it for you. Thinking on global terms with the birds on our side I could convince them to help out with the ecological problems, they care nature too right. My idea would be for the birds to dig holes and plant more trees and incite more oxygen. Plus we they could help fisherman catch fish, or simply keep an eye on your unprotected gear. Similar how humans have their essential phones on them, in the future it could work to combine bird and human life, little helpers, not slaves.
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